Tips for Parents to Help Get their Child Through Exam Revision
In this post we look at 6 simple tips parents can follow to help their child get through their exam revision as stress-free as possible.
For a lot of households, the period coming up to exams can be one of the most stressful times there is. Some parents will be worried that their kids may burn out or become unwell from spending too much time in their room revising while others will fret that their child is not doing enough revision and become very anxious if their child is not studying regularly and productively.
For students, the atmosphere present in the house can sometimes hinder their progress or on a more positive note can have the opposite effect and motivate them to do more! Make sure to check one of our other blog posts on How to Motivate Yourself to Study.
Revise Wise: Here are ExamCast’s 6 Tips on How Parents Can Help Their Child With Their Revision:
- Know the exam timetable. Yes, as simple as it sounds, knowing the timetable for the upcoming exams is a key step to help your child revise productively . This will allow you to keep your child focused on certain subjects at appropriate times. You may also be able to offer them more help and guidance at the right time around subjects that they find more difficult.
- Get them to focus on exam technique. This is particularly important as the exam date draws closer. By advising your child to focus on studying solutions to past exam papers and completing mock exam papers the student’s exam technique will approve and help alleviate any worries they had about completing questions and/or running out of time during the test to finish the exam fully.
- Encourage regular breaks. Advise your child to take revision breaks and find a healthy balance between studying and relaxing. Not only will they be more productive but will be less stressed.
- Healthy eating and drinking along with regular exercise are crucial for all human beings to remain fit and well but never more so when under the stresses of exams.
- Revision style. Work with your child to find out what revision style works best for them.
- Seek help. If you child is struggling with a specific subject, talk to their teacher and follow any advice given.
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