Looking for ways to get motivate to study? If the answer is yes, read on as ExamCast.ie give you some tried and trusted tips on how to propel yourself in to opening the books to get readily prepared for your Junior Cycle or Leaving Cert Exams.
We have all been there, it is so easy to say I will revise later, return to scrolling through your social media feed or start watching TV.
You know your exams are approaching and you must knuckle down but you do not know where to begin.
If this is a situation you find yourself in well then read on as we will give you some proven tips on how to motivate yourself to study.
Need to Revise? Here are our 6 Tips to get you Motivated
Give yourself a pep talk
If you need to revise and you are not feeling confident about your exams perhaps due to a less than satisfactory performance in your mocks or feel you will never get everything covered take a step back and focus on positive aspects of what you have achieved to date. That could be good results you got in past exams or positive comments written on your work by your teachers. This will help you manufacture the confidence to start your revision.
Try and understand your study style better
Ask yourself what study methods are the most productive for you? Perhaps you get more from studying in short periods of 20 minutes or so. Maybe you take more in the early evenings. Perhaps you get more from studying in a group rather than on your own. Try to make your study sessions as interesting as possible as this will act as a motivator to get you started every time you try to revise.
Avoid social media
Social media as we all know can be highly addictive. It is easy to spend lots of time scrolling through Facebook or other social media platforms. When you sit down to study a good tip is to temporarily disable your social media account (there is an app available to do this) so you do not get distracted and can focus on the job in hand. Alternatively, switch off your phone or leave it in a different room so you can not go on it until you are finished revising or are on a break.
Break the material in to chunks
Sometimes the task in hand can seem overwhelming. Try breaking the task down in to small chunks. This could mean reading a few pages of a textbook, answering some questions, or researching something online. Suddenly you are now dealing with a series of very manageable mini tasks so to speak. For more information on Exam Revision Tips click the highlighted text to view a recent blog post on the subject from ExamCast.ie.
Clean and tidy your study space
If the area you plan to study in is clean and tidy you will be more motivated to get stuck in. Messy, cluttered rooms will be a deterrent to your study plan. If you plan to declutter your mind by using study notes, then it only makes sense that you apply the same principal to the area you are going to revise in.
Reward yourself
Every time your complete one or two tasks reward yourself. This could be as simply as going for a 10-minute walk, listening to some music or simple just doing nothing. It is easy to get bogged down in study and lose track of yourself.
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