With exam time on the horizon, there’s never been a better time to reassess your revision strategy. In this post ExamCast gives you some handy exam revision tips to help you study more effectively and productively.
- Set Goals
Start by writing down the list of exam subjects you are studying for and the grades you would like to achieve. Taking each subject on their own, write down a list of topics you will need to understand as well as question formats, techniques, and the criteria the marker will use in the grade band you are aiming for. This will provide you with an effective blueprint to plan out your study sessions effectively and keep track of your progress.
- Make Your Revision Active
Do not just read notes and books, make flash cards, mind maps, or use post-it notes. Write difficult to remember, facts, quotes, or formulae on different coloured notes. Stick them where you will see them e.g., on your computer, on the bathroom door etc.
- Look at Past Exam Papers
This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the layout and type of questions you may be asked. Practice completing the exam papers within the allocated time that is allowed in the real exam. This will help your exam technique.
- Take Regular Breaks
Taking regular breaks will not only allow your study to be more productive but will also make you less anxious as you are less likely to get tired and lose your concentration. Aim for 30–45-minute sessions with short breaks in between.
- Work in Study Groups
Studying in a group is a great way to liven up your study sessions. Collaborating with your classmates will enrich your learning as you explore the thoughts and ideas of others. You can share notes, quiz each other, and discover new ways of learning. Joining a study group also makes learning more fun and enjoyable.
- Ask for Help
If you are finding studying difficult reach out to a friend, family member or teacher. You will find that a lot of people are in the same boat as you and many people are willing to help.
Study Solutions from ExamCast
There are many other ways to study effectively for your exams. ExamCast offer quality, online video solutions to exam questions for both the Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert examinations. ExamCast.ie will walk students through the exam solutions and marking scheme, question by question. Their exam papers videos are clear, concise and the perfect way to improve students understanding and their exam grades.
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